The digital age is a conundrum of tradition and progress. We constantly seek out new technologies to make our environment paperless but yet feel the magnetic pull of the pen and paper. This conflict between digital and analogue may have a resolution in reMarkable – an E Ink Tablet users can write on.
What is the reMarkable?
The reMarkable tablet delivers the experience of reading and writing on a 10.3 inch digital screen with the feel of authentic paper. The company emphasizes the ultra high friction materials used for the screen to mimic the sensation of actual paper. CANVAS, the proprietary low-latency technology utilised, also provides a faster refresh rate and over 1000 levels of pressure. This helps mitigates the notoriously slow refresh rate of e-paper.
Unlike most tablets, the reMarkable is intentionally designed to be minimalist. It can only display ebooks and documents while allowing users to scribble as they will on the content displayed. With a sleek exterior, it is sure to be a hit with students as a replacement for the heavy textbooks and notebooks they need! Furthermore, all of your notes and drawings can be synced to the cloud service and be accessed on your mobile devices. Wi-Fi connectivity also makes it easy to collaborate with others on the reMarkable.
The lack of glass parts ensures that the reMarkable is a rather sturdy device, able to withstand drops. The device is able to last for days on a single charge thanks to the extremely low power consumption of the E Ink display. InkCase also makes use of this particular characteristic of E Ink to enhance its functionality. It adds a secondary screen to the back of your iPhone, allowing you to read anywhere, any time.

While the reMarkable is indeed remarkable, it comes at a comparatively steep price. Preorders are available for $379 currently. A complete set of the tablet, pen and folio case will cost $716.